When I Was Five
by Jeff Baron
20 April - 6 May 2017
Director: Brett Turner
Assistant Director: Adrian Valenta
Production Coordinator: Robert Harsley
From the acclaimed author and the same directing team of Visiting Mr. Green (VDL awarded Best Production 2015) comes another warm, humorous, emotional journey of discovery and self-acceptance.
Will, a screenwriter in his 30's goes to see Ellen, a slightly unconventional therapist, to figure out why he's never had a successful relationship. She helps him realise that he's never really dealt with a childhood tragedy. Using a creative technique, she shows Will (and us) the way this affected him as a boy, which unlocks barriers and helps him see a better future.
An Australian Premiere.
Will...Seth Kannof
Ellen... Janine Evans
Billy... Oliver Kinsella and Barnaby Kinsella
Stage Manager: Jake Privett
Assistant Stage Manager: Peter Newling
Light/sound Operator: Patrick Slee
Set Design: Brett Turner
Lighting Design: Craig Pearcey
Audio Design: Brett Turner
Technical Assistance: Neil Williamson
Costume Design: Shirley Sydenham
Costume Assistance: Maria Haughey
Props: Maria Haughey
Poster: Janine Evans
Back L-R: Robert Harsley, Jake Privett, Peter Newling, Shirley Sydenham, Maria Haughey, Adrian Valenta
Front: Seth Kannof, Barnaby Kinsella, Oliver Kinsella, Janine Evans, Brett Turner