Time Stands Still
by Donald Margulies
Directed by Ellis Ebell Thursday 2 July to Saturday 18 July
Time never stands still at WLT. Mr Green hadn’t even left the building before we’d auditioned, cast and had the first read-through of our next show, Time Stands Still.
Time Stands Still revolves around Sarah, a photo journalist who has returned from Iraq after being injured in a roadside bombing, and her reporter boyfriend, James. When they are visited by Richard, a photo editor, and his much younger girlfriend, Mandy, Sarah and James begin to re-evaluate their relationship and their way of life.
Ellis has assembled a wonderful cast for this powerful, and at times moving, play.

Front Row: Stephanie Gonelli & Rowan Howard. Rear Row: Pauline and Tim Constantine with Ellis Ebell.
Thanks to Tony Tartaro for this moody Vaseline lens image!
Sarah will be played by Pauline Constantine who you will remember as A Lady of Letters in our 2013 production of Talking Heads.
Tim Constantine, who is playing James, is well-known to WLT audiences for his appearances in many shows including Old Wicked Songs, Gross Indecency, Doubt and Farragut North for which he won our Cordell Award last year.
Rowan Howard makes a welcome return to WLT in the role of Richard. The versatile Rowan appeared in three shows in 2014 – Almost, Maine, Farragut North and The Kitchen Sink. The role of Mandy will be played by WLT newcomer, Stephanie Gonelli. Stephanie has worked with Heidelberg in Steel Magnolias, August: Osage County and Little Murders and with Essendon Theatre Co, playing Laura in The Glass Menagerie.
Ellis and his cast will be supported by the following Production Team. Barb Hughes – Production Coordinator/Props Emma Hunt – Stage Manager David Dare – Set Design & Construction Neil Williamson – Sound Design Craig Pearcey – Lighting Design Tony Tartaro – Costumes Kay Hambling – Lighting/Sound Operation/Prompt Roger Forsey – Technical Assistance/Photography Janine Evans – Poster Bob Harsley - FOH
Time Stands Still promises to be another fine production for WLT
OPEN REHEARSAL The open rehearsal for Time Stands Still will be held at the theatre at 3.30pm on Sunday 7th June. Members are invited to watch part of a rehearsal then join Ellis and the cast and crew in the foyer for drinks and nibbles. All welcome.